Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
Laboratory Supervisor: Wen-Cheng Liu, Distinguished Professor
Laboratory Number: A1-219
Laboratory Floor Level: 2F
Educational features:
- Assisting students to understand the physical phenomena described in the fluid mechanics theory course through a fluid mechanics experimental course.
- Instructing students on how to actually apply fluid mechanics formulas and reference methods in the textbook to analyze problems to understand the scope of applications and limitations for each method.
- Enabling students to understand the difference between practice and theory and learn how to determine the location of a problem, as well as how to solve problems encountered in the experimental process.
- Stability of floating bodies
- Center of pressure
- Determining the Reynolds number
- Venturi effect
- Jet impacts
- Weir flow
- Eddies
- Multifunctional sinks
- Outer regions of boundary layers
- Straight pipe friction
- Pipeline head loss system
- Flow field observations
- Mobile-bed sediment transport
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