

王哲夫(Jer-Fu Wang) / 副教授 (研究著作)

最後更新日期 : 2025-03-31

王哲夫(Jer-Fu Wang/副教授(研究著作)


  1. 國立中興大學 土木工程研究所 博士(2001)
  2. 國立中興大學 土木工程研究所 碩士(1993)
  3. 國立中興大學 土木工程學系   學士(1991)


  1. 2008.12 香港理工大學 土木與結構工程系 訪問學者 (5日)
  2. 2005.10 美國加州大學 聖地牙哥分校結構工程系 訪問學者 (1年)
  3. 2002.04 美國加州大學 柏克萊分校太平洋地震工程研究中心 訪問學者 (4個月)


  1. 2016.08 國立聯合大學 土木與防災工程學系(所) 助理教授
  2. 2015.10 國立自然科學博物館 921地震教育園區 副研究員
  3. 2013.03 國立聯合大學 土木工程系 兼任助理教授 (4年)
  4. 2009.03 國立自然科學博物館 921地震教育園區 助理研究員
  5. 2008.08 國立中興大學 環境保育暨防災科技研究中心 博士後研究員
  6. 2004.08 國立中興大學 土木工程學系 博士後研究員
  7. 2003.03 國立聯合大學 總務處 約聘組員
  8. 2001.08 國立中興大學 土木工程學系 博士後研究員
  9. 2001.08 國立聯合大學(技術學院) 土木工程系 兼任助理教授 (3年)
  10. 1997.07 台北市政府 國民住宅處 工程員  (9個月)


  1. 教育部93年博士後研究人員公費留學甄試錄取
  2. 86年專門技術人員土木工程技師考試及格
  3. 85年公務人員土木工程類科高等考試及格


  1. 中華民國地震工程學會會員
  2. Member, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), U.S.A.


  1. J.F. Wang, G.L. Lin, C.C. Lin*, J.Y. Jian:  2022.12.  Optimum Placement and Design of Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers for Vibration Control of Asymmetric Buildings.  Journal of Vibration and Control:  28(23-24) 3875-3889 (SCI)
  2. Cheng-Shing Chiang, Tyan-Ming Chu, Wen-Hao Chou, Shin-Ho Lee, and Jer-Fu  Wang, 2021. Challenges in the Preservation of Disaster Remains - Example of the Chelungpu Fault Preservation Park. Journal of Disaster Research, 16(1), 201-209. (其他)
  3. Lin, Ging-Long; Wang, Jer-Fu; Lin, Chi-Chang*; Lin, Jim,2019,A novel rapid screening method for health monitoring of building structures from earthquake records,USA.22(16)3544-3557,(SCI)
  4. Lin, Chih-Shiuan; Liu, Feifei; Zhang, Jigang; Wang, Jer-Fu; Lin, Chi-Chang*,2019,Vibration control for serviceability enhancement of offshore platforms against environmental loadingsSMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS, SOUTH KOREA.24(3)403-414, (SCI)
  5. J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin, (2015), “Extracting Parameters of TMD and PrimaryStructure from the Combined System Responses,” Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 937-960. (SCI, EI).
  6. M.C. Huang, Y.P. Wang, T.K. Lin, J.F.Wang (2014). “Identifications of Symmetric Ductile Braced Structure by Pseudo-Single-Degree-of-Freedom Procedure,” Journal of Vibroengineering, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 937-960. (SCI, EI).
  7. J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin, and C.H.Yang, (2013), “Story Damage Identification of Irregular Buildings Based on Earthquake Records”, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 29, No.3, pp. 963-986. (SCI, EI).
  8. J.F.Wang, M.C.Huang, C.C.Lin, and T.K.Lin, (2013), “Damage Identification of Isolators in Base-Isolated Torsionally Coupled Buildings”, Smart Structures & Systems, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 387-410. (SCI, EI).
  9. T.K.Lin, M.C.Huang, C.C.Lin, J.F.Wang (2012), “Bridge Health Monitoring Considering Multiple-input and Nonlinear High-order Effects,” International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, Vol. 4, No. 23, pp.483-491 (EI)
  10. T.K.Lin, M.C.Huang, and J.F.Wang, (2012), “A Neural Network-Based System for Bridge Health Monitoring”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 452-453, pp. 557-563. (EI)
  11. C.C.Lin, J.F.Wang, C.H.Lien, H.W.Chiang, and C.S. Lin, (2010), “Optimum Design and Experimental Study of Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers with Limited Stroke”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 39, pp. 1631-1651. (SCI, EI).
  12. C.C.Lin, C.C.Chang, and J.F.Wang, (2010), “Active Control of Irregular Buildings Considering Soil-Structure Interaction Effects”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 30, pp. 98-109. (SCI, EI).
  13. C.C.Lin, C.L.Chen, and J.F.Wang, (2010), “Vibration Control of Structures with Initially Accelerated Passive Tuned Mass Dampers under Near-Fault Earthquake Excitation”, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 25, pp. 69-75. (SCI, EI).
  14. C.C.Lin, G.L.Lin, and J.F.Wang, (2010), “Protection of Seismic Structures Using Semi-Active Friction TMD”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 635-659. (SCI, EI).
  15. M.L.Chang, J.M.Ueng, C.C.Lin, K.H.Hsieh, and J.F.Wang, (2010), “Experimental Study on Adjustable Tuned Mass Damper to Reduce Floor Vibration Due to Machinery”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring,Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 532-548. (SCI, EI).
  16. J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin, and C.H.Lian, (2009), “Two-Stage Optimum Design of Tuned Mass Dampers with Consideration of Stroke”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Special Issue, Vol. 16, pp.55-72. (SCI, EI).
  17. C.C.Lin, J.F.Wang, C.H.Tsai, (2008), “Dynamic Parameter Identification for Irregular Buildings Considering Soil-Structure Interaction Effects”, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 641-666. (SCI, EI).
  18. J.M.Ueng, C.C.Lin, and J.F.Wang, (2008), “Practical Design Issues of Tuned Mass Dampers for Torsionally Coupled Buildings Under Earthquake Loadings”, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, Vol. 17, pp. 133-165. (SCI, EI).
  19. J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin, and S.M.Yen, (2007), “A Story Damage Index of Seismically-Excited Buildings Based on Modal Frequency and Mode Shape”, Engineering Structures, Vol.29, pp.2143-2157. (SCI, EI).
  20. T.C.Lee, M.T.Chen, J.F.Wang, and C.H.Wu, (2005), “On the Earthquake Scenario Simulation and Disaster Database for Miaoli County Using TELES System-Taking Shr-Tan Fault as an Example”, Journal of National United University, Vol. 2, pp.31-50.
  21. J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin, (2005), “Seismic Performance of Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers for Soil- Irregular Building Interaction System”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 42, pp. 5536-5554. (SCI, EI).
  22. C.C.Lin, C.E.Wang, H.W.Wu, and J.F.Wang, (2005), “On-Line Building Damage Assessment Based on Earthquake Records”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol.14, pp.137-153. (SCI, EI)
  23. C.C.Lin, J.F.Wang, and B.L.Chen, (2005), “Train-Induced Vibration Control of High-Speed Railway Bridges Equipped with Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers”, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 10, No.4, pp. 398-414. (SCI, EI).
  24. C.C.Lin and J.F.Wang, (2005), “Mechanical Equipment Manufacturing: Parallel Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers”, Knowledge Bridge, No.60, pp.1.
  25. J.F.Wang, Y.S.Jeng, and C.F.Chuang, (2004), “Evaluation of Soil-Structure Interaction Effect From Building Earthquake Records in Taiwan”, Journal of National United University, Vol.24, pp.50-58.
  26. T.C.Lee, B.L.Chen, J.F.Wang, and C.M.Lee, (2004), “Safety Inspection and Earthquake Resistant Assessment of School Building”, Journal of National United University, Vol.24, pp.181-199.
  27. J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin, and B.L.Chen, (2003), “Vibration Suppression for High Speed Railway Bridges Using Tuned Mass Dampers”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 465-491. (SCI, EI).
  28. W.H.Wu, J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin, (2001), “Systematic Assessment of Irregular Building-Soil Interaction Using Efficient Modal Analysis”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 573-594. (SCI, EI).
  29. C.C.Lin, J.F.Wang, J.M.Ueng, (2001), “Vibration Control Identification of Seismically-Excited MDOF Structure-PTMD Systems”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 240, No. 1, pp. 87-115. (SCI, EI).
  30. 林其璋, 高雍超, 王哲夫, (1995), “應用部份量測反應之結構系統識別”, 中國土木水利工程學刊, Vol. 7, No.3, pp. 307-316.
  31. C. C. Lin, C. M. Hu, J. F. Wang, and R. Y. Hu, (1994), “Vibration Control Effectiveness of Passive Tuned Mass Dampers”, Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 367-376. (SCI, EI).


  1. C.C.Lin and J.F.Wang, (2012), “Optimal Design and Practical Considerations of Tuned Mass Dampers for Structural Control”, Chapter in book: Design Optimization of Active and Passive Structural Control Systems, pp. 126-149, Publisher: IGI Global, 1 edition, August 31.


  • 王哲夫、徐斌晏、謝昕、賴亭諭、王慧龍、蔡丞荍、張長菁 (20248)球面擺調諧質量阻尼器於建築結構雙向減振效用研究。結構工程暨地震工程研討會,中華民國結構工程學會,太平區,國立勤益科技大學,台中市。
  • Chan-Jung Kang, Qi-Yang Liao, Jer-Fu Wang, Shih-Yu Chu, Chung Fang, Chi-Chang Lin (2024 Aug). Using real-time hybrid testing to verify the performance of full-scale tuned mass damper against wind forces in high-rise building. The 2024 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, & Materials Research, Aug.28-30, Seoul, South Korea.
  • C.C. Chang, J.F. Wang, C.C. Lin: “Control Parameters Design of Tuned Mass Dampers with Active Variable Inerter”  The 8th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (8ACEE), Taipei, Taiwan. 2022.11.
  • 張長菁, 林其璋, 王哲夫:主動式可變慣質調諧質量阻尼器之控制參數設計。 第十六屆結構工程研討會暨第六屆地震工程研討會,臺灣新北市:淡水將捷鬱金香酒店,2022.08。
  • 王哲夫、席芊庭、郭婷瑤、林宜臻、李庭誼、張長菁 (2021年8月) 建築結構軟弱地面層破壞偵測指標之開發與振動台試驗驗證,2021電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會,線上會議,中華民國,台灣,桃園,中央大學。
  • C.C.Chang, J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin, T.T.Lin, C.S.Lin,2019, Optimal Design of Tuned Mass Dampers with Variable Inerter and Damping, the ASME 2019 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA, Paper No: PVP2019-93966.
  • C.C.Chang, J.F.Wang,2019, Structural Health Monitoring for Controlled Buildings with Active Mass Dampers, International Conference in Commemoration of 20th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taipei City.
  • J.F.Wang, C.H.Chen, C.C.Chang, C.C.Lin,2019, Vibration Control of Buildings Using Series Rolling-Pendulum Tuned Mass Dampers, the ASME 2019 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA, Page No. PVP2019-93968.
  • 王哲夫、王昱琪,2019,結構分析設計模式對含軟弱層建築耐震能力之影響研究,2019電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會,台北市,論文編號:41.
  • J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin (2015), “Optimal Design and Performance of Series Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers for Vibration Control of Multi-Story Buildings”, First Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan, Taipei.
  • J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin, Q.H.Huang (2014), “An Analytical Parameter Extraction Method for the Combined Building-MTMD Systems”, the 5th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (5ACEE), Taipei, Taiwan.
  • J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin (2014). “A Structural Health Monitoring System for a Damaged Classroom Building Displayed in the 921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan”, 10th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (10NCEE), Anchorage, Alaska, United States.
  • Ming-Chih Huang, Yen-Po Wang, Tzu-Kang Lin, Jer-Fu Wang (2013, Oct). Development of Physical-Parameter Identification Procedure for Energy-Dissipated Buildings with Symmetric Ductile Braces. 2013 International Applied Science and Precision Engineering Conference (ASPEC), Sun Moon Lake, Nantou, Taiwan.
  • Ming-Chih Huang, Yen-Po Wang, Tzu-Kang Lin, Jer-Fu Wang (2013, Sep). Physical-Parameter Identification of an Energy-Dissipated Building with Symmetric Ductile Braces. Conference on Computer Applications in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • J.F.Wang and C.C.Lin, (2012), “Seismic Capacity Evaluation of an Instrumented Damaged School Building Strengthened with Acrylic Walls”, Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15WCEE), September 24-28, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • 王哲夫、李昭賢、林其璋,(2012),“應用實測地震紀錄於結構耐震評估-以九二一地震教育園區展示毀損教室為例”, 中華民國第十一屆結構工程研討會暨第一屆地震工程研討會論文集,論文編號:13032,101年9月5-7日,台中市。
  • 王哲夫、林其璋,(2011),“博物館保存毀損建築之振動監測與動態特性個案研究”,中華民國力學學會第三十五屆全國力學會議論文集,論文編號:E2-013,國立成功大學,11月18-19日。
  • T.K.Lin, M.C.Huang, and J.F.Wang, (2011), “A Neural Network-Based System for Bridge Health Monitoring”, 2011 International Conference on Management, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering (ICMMM2011), Paper ID: 2136, November 11-13, Zhengzhou, China.
  • C.C.Lin, J.F.Wang, and G.L.Lin, (2011), “Building Health Monitoring and Diagnosis from Earthquake Response Records”, 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (8CUEE), Registration ID: 11-240, March 7-8, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
  • 王哲夫, 黃銘智, 林子剛, (2010), “不規則結構之基礎隔震支承損傷識別與定位研究”, 第十屆中華民國結構工程研討會論文集,論文編號:133,桃園楊梅,12月1-3日。
  • 林錦隆, 王哲夫, 林其璋, (2010), “廣州新電視塔模態參數識別與數值模型修正”, 第十屆中華民國結構工程研討會論文集,論文編號:351,桃園楊梅,12月1-3日。
  • M.C.Huang, J.F.Wang, T.K.Lin, and C.H.Chen, (2010), “Physical-Parameter Identification of a Building with Considering of Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction” The Tenth National Conference on Structural Engineering, No.G143, Taoyuan, Taiwan, Dec. 1-3.
  • M.C.Huang, T.K.Lin, J.F.Wang, and C.H.Chen, (2010), “System Identification of a Building with Considering of Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction”, Proceedings of 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (5WCSCM), Paper No. 202, July 12-14, 2010, Shihjuku, Tokyo.
  • C.C.Lin, G.T. Liang, J.F.Wang, and G..L.Lin, (2009), “Damage Localization Based on Frequency Shifts Through Incomplete Measurements”, International Conference in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taipei, Taiwan, September 17-21.
  • 劉勛仁, 王哲夫, 林其璋, (2008), “依據建築結構微振反應量測之動態參數識別”, 第九屆結構工程研討會, 國立高雄大一科技大學, 高雄, 8月22-24日.
  • C.C.Lin, J.F.Wang, C.H.Lian, and H.W. Chiang, (2008), “Analytical and Experimental Studies of Multiple Tuned Mass Damper for Structural Control with Constraint of Stroke”, 4th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technologies(ANCRiSST 2008), Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, June 24-25.
  • J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin, and C.H.Lian, (2008), “Two-Stage Optimum Design of Tuned Mass Dampers with Consideration of Stroke”, International Conference on Sustainable and Natural Environment: Structural Control and Health Monitoring, pp.VI-1~ VI-29, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C, January 10-11.
  • J.F.Wang and C.C.Lin, (2007), “Two-Stage Design of Tuned Mass Damper with Consideration of Stroke”, Proceeding of the 3rd International Symposium on Environmental Vibrations: Prediction, Monitoring, Mitigation and Evaluation (ISEV2007), pp.282-287, Taipei, November 28-30.
  • C.C.Chang, C.C.Lin, J.F.Wang, (2007), “Active Control of Irregular Buildings Considering Soil-Structure Interaction Effects”, 19th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMIRT 19), Paper No. K18_2, Toronto, Canada, August 12-17.
  • C.C.Lin, J.F.Wang, and C.H.Yang, (2006), “Damage Assessment of Irregular Buildings Using an Innovative Story Damage Index”, Proceedings of International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Assessment, College of Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C, December 14-15, pp.III-1~III-27.
  • C.C.Chang, C.C.Lin, and J.F.Wang, (2006), “Active Control of Irregular Soil-Building Interaction Systems”, First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (1st ECEES), Geneva, Switzerland, September 3-8.
  • 王哲夫, 楊淳皓, 林其璋, (2006), “依識別模態參數之扭轉耦合建築結構層間損壞指標” , 第八屆結構工程研討會, 國立雲林科技大學, 南投日月潭, 9月1-3日.
  • 張民岦, 林其璋, 翁駿民, 王哲夫, (2006), “高科技廠房樓版裝置MTMD之減振設計” , 第八屆結構工程研討會, 國立雲林科技大學, 南投日月潭, 9月1-3日.
  • J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin, S.M.Yen, (2006), “Story Damage Index of Asymmetric Buildings Based on Modal Parameters”, 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference (Commemorating the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake), Paper No. 363, San Francisco, California, United States, April 18-22.
  • 王哲夫, 林其璋, 顏士閔, (2005), “依建築結構模態參數發展之層間損壞指標”, 九十四年「電子計算機於土木水利工程應用」研討會,台南, 9月1-2日.
  • J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin, S.M.Yen, (2005), “Story Damage Index of Seismically-Excited Buildings Based on Modal Parameters”, 18th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT18), Paper No. K07_7, Beijing, China, August 7-12.
  • 林其璋, 蘇宇宏, 王哲夫, (2004), “多元調諧質量阻尼器之樓板振動控制”, 中華民國第七屆結構工程研討會, 中原大學, 中壢, 8月22-24日.
  • 林其璋, 陳啟倫, 王哲夫, (2004), “裝設MTMD之結構在近斷層地震作用力下振動控制之減震效用”, 中華民國第七屆結構工程研討會, 中原大學, 中壢, 8月22-24日.
  • 林其璋, 王哲夫, (2004), “多元調諧質量阻尼器之結構振動控制”, 建築設備與高科技精密設施之減震系統研討會, 國立中興大學, 台中, 5月14日.
  • C.C.Lin, C.E.Wang, J.F.Wang, (2003), “On-Line Building Damage Assessment Based on Earthquake Records”, First International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-1), pp. 551-559, Tokyo, Japan, November 13-15.
  • 林其璋, 吳凰文, 王哲夫, (2002), “依強震記錄探討建築物動態特性及損害評估(Ⅱ)”, 防災重要建築物之耐震對策研究90學年度期末研究成果研討會, pp. 199-230 , 台北, 6月12日.
  • 王哲夫, 林其璋, 吳文華, 林育信, (2002), “不規則建築結構與土壤互制之精確地震反應分析”, 中華民國第六屆結構工程學術研討會, Paper No. M43, 墾丁, 8月26-28日. (CD-ROM)
  • 林其璋, 王哲夫, 蔡政欣, (2001), “土壤-結構互制系統之動態參數識別暨損壞評估”, 2001興大-早大-神大地震工程研討會, pp. 1-32, 台中市, 12月17日.
  • 林其璋, 王哲夫, (2001), “多元調諧質量阻尼器於高速鐵路橋梁之減振效用”, 南部科學園區振動防治策略研討會, pp. 109-120, 台南, 11月27日.
  • 林其璋, 蔡政欣, 王哲夫, (2001), “考慮土層效應之建築結構參數識別”, 第四屆海峽兩岸地震科技研討會暨台灣地區強地動觀測研討會, pp. 34-40, 桃園大溪, 10月15-16日.
  • C.C.Lin, J.F.Wang, (2001), “Vibration Control of Irregular Building-MTMD Systems Considering Soil-Structure Interaction Effect”, 16th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT16), paper1864, Washington DC, August 12-17.
  • 林其璋, 翁駿民, 王哲夫, (2001), “考慮土壤-結構互制效應多元調諧質量阻尼器之結構減振分析”, 國科會地震工程尖端研究計畫學術研討會, Vol. 2, pp. 127-144, 高雄燕巢, 7月30日.
  • 林其璋, 王哲夫, 蔡政欣, (2001), “依強震記錄探討建築物動態特性及損害評估”, 國科會地震工程尖端研究計畫學術研討會, Vol. 1, pp. 205-242, 高雄燕巢, 7月30日.
  • 林其璋, 王哲夫, 蔡政欣, (2001), “建築物損傷評估”, 第二屆(2001)公共工程非破壞檢測技術研討會, pp. 121-151, 台北, 5月31日-6月1日.
  • 林其璋, 翁駿民, 王哲夫, (2000), “多元調諧質量阻尼器之抗震效用(I)”, 國科會地震工程尖端研究計畫學術研討會, Vol. 2., pp. 92-122, 台中, 12月29日.
  • J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin, and B.L.Chen, (2000), “Suppression of Bridge Vibrations Due to Train Loading Using Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers”, The Second International Workshop on Wave Propagation, Moving Loads and Vibration Reduction (WAVE2000), Bochum, Germany, December 13-15.
  • 王哲夫, 林其璋, 陳博亮, (2000), “考慮扭轉效應橋梁受高速列車荷重之減振分析”, 第五屆結構工程研討會, Vol. 1, pp. 301-308, 南投溪頭, 8月28-30日. 
  • 王哲夫, 吳文華, 林其璋, (2000), “A General Transfer Matrix Extensively Extracting Soil-Structure Interaction Effects on Asymmetric Buildings”, 八十八年「電子計算機於土木水利工程應用」研討會, Vol. 1, pp. 437-447, 臺中, 2月17-18日. 
  • J.F.Wang, C.C.Lin, and W.H.Wu (1999), “Systematic Assessment of Asymmetric Building Responses Considering Soil-Structure InteractionEffects”, Proceedings of the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures, pp. 505-512, Singapore, November 24-26.
  • 林其璋, 翁駿民, 王哲夫, (1999), “921集集地震特性”, 集集大地震對土木工程設施之衝擊研討會, pp. 1-1~1-20, 台中, 國立中興大學, 11月26日.
  • W.H.Wu, C.C.Lin, and J.F.Wang, (1998).“Optimal Direct Output Feedback Control of Soil-Structure Interaction Systems”, The 4th Conference on Structural Engineering, Vol. 2, pp. 825-832, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  • 張長菁、王哲夫、林其璋,1998,依主動質量阻尼器控制系統反應量測之參數識別,第七屆海峽兩岸地震工程青年學者研討會,杭州.
  • 王哲夫, 林其璋, 陳博亮, (1998). “高鐵橋樑裝設調諧質量阻尼器之減振分析,” 中華民國第四屆結構工程研討會, Vol. 2, pp. 1203-1210, 台北, 國立台灣科技大學.
  • C.C.Lin, J.M.Ueng, and J.F.Wang, (1995),“Vibration Control Identification of MDOF Structures with Tuned Mass Dampers”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Vibration, Noise and Control, pp. 887-894, Hong Kong, December 5-7.
  • C.C.Lin, J.F.Wang, and Y.C.Gau, (1993), “System Identification and Vibration Control of Structures with Tuned Mass Dampers”, Proceedings of the 3rd ROC-Japan Joint Seminar on Natural Hazards Mitigation, pp. 436-450, November 22-25, National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  • 林其璋, 王哲夫, 高雍超, (1993), “隨機遞減法之結構系統識別'', 82年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用論文研討會, Vol. 1, pp. 227-236, 台南, 國立成功大學.
  • C.C.Lin, R.Y.Hu, J.F.Wang, (1992), “Optimal Design of Passive Tuned Mass Dampers for Seismic Structures”, AIAA paper 92-2271, 33rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference (SDM), pp. 1497-1503, April 13-15, Dalas, Texas, USA.


  1. 並聯式調諧質量阻尼器 (專利號碼:205235),申請人:林其璋、王哲夫,2004 中華民國新發明專利。
  2. Anti-Seismic Device with Vibration Reducing Units Arranged in Parallel (Patent No. US7337586B2),申請人:C.C.Lin, J.F.Wang,2008美國新發明專利。