

吳祥禎(Shiang-Jen Wu) / 副教授 (研究著作)

最後更新日期 : 2025-03-31

吳祥禎(Shiang-Jen Wu/副教授(研究著作)


  1. 國立交通大學 土木工程研究所       博士(1999/9~2006/6)
  2. 國立交通大學 土木工程研究所       碩士(1994/9~1996/6)
  3. 私立淡江大學 水資源及環境工程學系 學士(1990/9~1994/6)


  1. 國立聯合大學土木與防災工程學系/副教授(2022/02/01~迄今)
  2. 國立聯合大學土木與防災工程學系/助理教授(2020/08/01~2022/01/31
  3. 國家高速網路與計算中心/副研究員(2007/3~2020/07/31)
  4. 國立交通大學防災中心/研究助理教授(2006/7~2006/12)
  5. 香港科技大學/交換學生(2000~2001;2002/01~2002/06;2003/01~2003/06)


  1. 智慧化水文預報。
  2. 序率水文模擬。
  3. 淹水模擬及即時洪水預報校正。
  4. 防洪系統不確定性及風險分析。


  1. 民國88年專門技術人員高等考試及格(水利技師)。


  1. “淺層崩塌降雨警戒基準與檢監測技術評估研究-子計畫:降雨引發淺層崩塌機率警戒雨量推估模式之建立與應用(III)”,科技部計畫,MOST 107-2625-M-492-009,2018/8/1~2019/7/31,經費472,000元(計畫主持人)。
  2. “淺層崩塌降雨警戒基準與檢監測技術評估研究-子計畫:降雨引發淺層崩塌機率警戒雨量推估模式之建立與應用(II)”,科技部計畫,MOST 106-2625-M-492-013,2017/8/1~2018/7/31,經費708,000元(計畫主持人)。
  3. “以序率爲考量在都市永續雨水管理中滲透及貯留設施之分析與設計”,科技部計畫,MOST 105-2923-E-009-004-MY2,2017/8/1~2018/7/31(共同計畫主持人)。
  4. “淺層崩塌降雨警戒基準與檢監測技術評估研究-子計畫:降雨引發淺層崩塌機率警戒雨量推估模式之建立與應用(I)”,科技部計畫,MOST 105-2625-M-492-015,2016/8/1~2017/7/31,經費630,820元(計畫主持人)。


  1. Wu Shiang-Jen*, Yang Han-Yuan. Modeling Reliability Analysis for the Branch-Based Irrigation Water Demands Due to Uncertainties in the Measured Surface Runoff, AGRICULTURE-BASEL, 14(7), 1107.
  2. Che-Hao Chang, Riki Rahmad*, Shiang-Jen Wu, Chih-Tsung Hsu, Po-Hsien Chung, 2024. Enhancing flood verification using Signal Detection Theory (SDT) and IoT Sensors: A spatial scale evaluation, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 636, 131308.
  3. Wu, S.J., Yang, H.Y., Chang, C.H., and Hsu, C.T., 2023. Modeling GA-derived optimization analysis for canal-based irrigation water allocation under variations in runoff-related and irrigation-related factors. Agricultural Water Management, 290, 1085588, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2023.108588. (SCI) (IF=6.7)
  4. Wu, S.J., Tsai, C.Y., and Yeh, K.C., 2023. Modeling probabilistic-based 1D riverbed elevation estimation model due to uncertainties in runoff and sediment-related factors. Hydrology Research, nh2023097, https://doi.org/10.2166/nh.2023.097, (SCI) (IF=2.7)
  5. Wu, S.J., 2023. Modeling rainfall-induced 2D inundation simulation based on the ANN-derived models with precipitation and water-level measurements at roadside IoT. sensors. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-44276-3 (SCI) (IF=4.997)
  6. Wang, X.J., Wu, S.J.,*; Tsai, T.L., and Yen, K.C., 2023. Modeling probabilistic-based reliability assessment of gridded rainfall thresholds for shallow landslide occurrence due to the uncertainty of rainfall in time and space. Journal of Hydroinfomratics, 25(3): 706-737. (Corresponding author) (SCI) (IF=3.058)
  7. Chang, Che-Hao; Hsu, Chih-Hung*; Hsu, Chih-Tsung; Wu, Shiang-Jen; Chung, Po-Hsien: 2002.07. Hydrological Topography Data Set (HTD)- The Data Set for High Resolution 2D Urban Flood Modeling. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING: 88(7) 439-450 (SCI)
  8. Chang, Ming-Jui; Huang, I-Hang; Hsu, Chih-Tsung; Wu, Shiang-Jen; Lai, Jihn-Sung; Lin, Gwo-Fong*: 2022.10. Long-Term Flooding Maps Forecasting System Using Series Machine Learning and Numerical Weather Prediction System. WATER: 14(20) 3346 (SCI)
  9. Wu, Shiang-Jen*; Mai, Jie-Sen; Lin, Yi-Hong; Yeh, Keh-Chia: 2022.10. Modeling Probabilistic-Based Reliability Analysis for Irrigation Water Supply Due to Uncertainties in Hydrological and Irrigation Factors. SUSTAINABILITY: 14(19) 12747 (SCI/SSCI)
  10. Wu, Shiang-Jen*; Hsu, Chih-Tsu; Shen, Jhih-Cyuan; Chang, Che-Hao: 2022.07. Modeling the 2D Inundation Simulation Based on the ANN-Derived Model with Real-Time Measurements at Roadside IoT Sensors. WATER: 14(14) 2189 SCI
  11. Chang, Che-Hao; Rahmad, Riki*; Wu, Shiang-Jen; Hsu, Chih-Tsung: 2022.09. Spatial Frequency Analysis by Adopting Regional Analysis with Radar Rainfall in Taiwan. WATER: 14(17) 2010 (SCI)
  12. Yang, Song-Yue; Chang, Che-Hao*; Hsu, Chih-Tsung; Wu, Shiang-Jen.: 2022.04. Variation of uncertainty of drainage density in flood hazard mapping assessment with coupled 1D-2D hydrodynamics model. NATURAL HAZARDS: 111(3) 2297-2315 (SCI)
  13. Wu, S.J., Mai, J.S., Lin, Y.H., and Yeh, K.C. Modeling Probabilistic-Based Reliability Analysis for Irrigation Water Supply Due to Uncertainties in Hydrological and Irrigation Factors. Sustainability, 2022, 14, 12747. (SCI) (IF=3.889)
  14. Wu, Shiang-Jen*; Hsu, Chih-Tsu; Chang, Che-Hao, 2021. Stochastic Modeling for Estimating Real-Time Inundation Depths at Roadside IoT Sensors Using the ANN-Derived Model. WATER, 13(21), 3128. (SCI)
  15. Wu, Shiang-Jen*; Hsu, Chih-Tsung; Chang, Che-Hao, 2021. Stochastic modeling of artificial neural networks for real-time hydrological forecasts based on uncertainties in transfer functions and ANN weights. HYDROLOGY RESEARCH, 52(6), 1490-1525. (SCI)
  16. Wu, Shiang-Jen*; Hsu, Chih-Tsu; Chang, Che-Hao, 2021. Stochastic modeling of gridded short-term rainstorms. HYDROLOGY RESEARCH, 52(4), 876-904. (SCI)
  17. Wu, Shiang-Jen*; Kuo, Chi-Yan; Yeh, Keh-Chia; Wang, Cheng-Der; Wang, Wei-Jer, 2021. Reliability analysis for reservoir water supply due to uncertainties in hydrological factors, rainfall-runoff routing and operating rule curves. JOURNAL OF HYDRO-ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH, 34, 24-45. (SCI)
  18. Wu, S.J.*,  Hsu, C.T., and Chang, C.H., 2021, Stochastic modeling of gridded short-term rainstorms. Hydrology Research,  52 (4): 876–904) (IF=2.419)
  19. Wu. S.J.*, Kuo, C.Y., Yeh, K.C., Wang, C.D., and Wang, W.J., 2021. Reliability analysis for reservoir water supply due to uncertainties in hydrological factors, rainfall-runoff routing and operating rule curves. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 34: 24-45. (IF=2.099)
  20. Wu, S.J.*, Chang, C.H., and Hsu, C.T., 2020, Real-time Error Correction of Two-dimensional Flood-Inundation Simulations during Rainstorm events. Stochastic Environment Research and Risk Assessment. 34: 641-667. (IF=2.668)
  21. Wu, S.J.*, and Hsu, C.T., 2018, Modeling uncertainty analysis for Flood wave Propagation under variations in initial and boundary conditions by incorporating explicit numerical solutions with expected value operator. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 113(9):1447-1465. (SCI) (IF=2.589)
  22. Chang, C.H.,, Chung, M.K., Yang, S.Y.,, Chih-Tsung Hsu, C.T., Wu, S.J.*, 2018, A Case Study for the Application of an Operational Two-Dimensional Real-Time Flooding Forecasting System and Smart Water Level Gauges on Roads in Tainan City, Taiwan. Water, 10(5), 574-589.
  23. Wu, S.J.*, Chiueh, Y.W., and Hsu, C.T., 2017, Modeling risk analysis for rice production due to agro-climate change and uncertainty in irrigation water. Paddy and Water Environment, 16(1), 35-53. (SCI) (IF=1.379)
  24. Wu, S.J.*, Hsiao, Y.H, Yeh, K.C., and Yang, S.H., 2017, A probabilistic model for evaluating the reliability of rainfall thresholds for shallow landslides based on uncertainties in rainfall characteristics and soil properties. Natural Hazards, 87, 469–513. (SCI) (IF=1.746)
  25. Chang, C.H, Wu, S.J.*, Hsu, C.T., and Shen, J.C. and Lien, H.C., 2017, An evaluation framework for identifying the optimal raingauge network based on spatiotemporal variation in quantitative precipitation estimation. Hydrology Research, 48(1), 77-98. (SCI) (IF=1.801)
  26. Wu, S.J.*, Yen, K.C., Ho, C.H., and Yang, S.H., 2016, Modeling probabilistic lag time equation in a watershed based on uncertainties in rainfall, hydraulic and geographical factors. Hydrology Research, 47(6), 1116-1141. (SCI) (IF=1.801)
  27. Shen, J.C., Chang, C.H., Wu, S.J.*, Hsu, C.T., and Lien, H.C., 2015, Real-time Correction of Water Stage Forecast using Combination of Forecasted Errors by Time Series models and Kalman Filter method. Stochastic Environment Research and Risk Assessment, 29(7), 1903-1920. (SCI) (IF=2.668) (Corresponding author)
  28. Wu, S.J.*, Hsu, C.T., Lien, H.C., and Chang, C.H., 2015, Modeling the effect of uncertainties in rainfall characteristics on flash flood warning based on rainfall thresholds. Natural Hazards, 75(2), 1677-1771. (SCI) (IF=1.958)
  29. Wu, S.J.*, Lien, H.C., Hsu, C.T., Chang, C.H., and Shen, J.C., 2015, Modeling probabilistic radar rainfall estimation at ungauged locations based on spatiotemporal errors which correspond to gauged data. Hydrology Research, 46(1), 39-59. (SCI) (IF=1.801)
  30. Wu, S.J.*, Chiueh, Y.W., Lien, H.C., and Hsu, C.T., 2015, Modeling risk analysis for rice production due to agro-climate change in Taiwan. Paddy and Water Environment, 13(4), 391-404. (SCI) (IF=1.379) (Corresponding author)
  31. Wu, S.J.*, 2014, Stochastic Modeling of wave equation with uncertainties in initial and boundary conditions. Advances and Applications in Statistics, 42(2), 119-156. (IF=0.812)
  32. Wu, S.J.*, Lien, H.C., Chang, C.H., and Shen, J.C., 2012, Real-Time Correction of Water Stage Forecast during Rainstorm Events Using Combination of Forecast Errors. Stochastic Environment Research and Risk Assessment, 26(4),519-531. (SCI) (IF=2.673)
  33. Wu, S.J.*, Lien, H.C., and Chang, C.H., 2011, Calibration of a conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model using a Genetic Algorithm Integrated with Runoff Estimation Sensitivity to Parameters. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 14(2), 497-511. (SCI) (IF=1.797)
  34. Wu, S.J.*, Chen, P.H., and Yang, J.C., 2011, Application of Weighted Semivariogram Model (WSVM) based on fitness to experimental semivariogram on estimation of rainfall amount. Hydrology and Earth System Science Discussion. 8(2), 4229-4259. (SCI) (IF=3.59)
  35. Wu, S.J.*, Ho, L.F., and Yang, J.C., 2011, “Application of nonlinear storage function on runoff estimation.” Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 5, 37-47. (SCI) (IF=2.087)
  36. Wu, S.J.*, Yang, J.C., and Tung, Y.K., 2011, “Risk analysis for flood-control structure under consideration of uncertainties in design flood. Natural Hazards, 58(1), 117-140. (SCI) (IF=1.901)
  37. Wu, S.J.*, Lien, H.C., and Chang, C.H., 2010, Modeling risk analysis for forecasting peak discharge during flooding prevention and warning operation. Stochastic Environment Research and Risk Assessment, 24, 1175-1191. (SCI) (IF=2.668)
  38. Wu, S.J.*, Tung, Y.K, and. Yang, J.C., 2009,  ”Incorporating Daily Rainfall to Derive At-Site Hourly Depth-Duration-Frequency Relationships.” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 14(9), 992-1001. (SCI) (IF=1.34)
  39. Wu, S.J.*, Tung, Y.K, and. Yang, J.C., 2006, ”Stochastic generation of hourly rainstorm events.” Stochastic Environment Research and Risk Assessment. 21, 195-212. (SCI) (IF=2.668)
  40. Wu, S.J.*, Yang, J.C., and Tung, Y.K., 2005, “Identification and stochastic generation of representative rainfall temporal patterns in Hong Kong territory.” Stochastic Environment Research and Risk Assessmen,20(3), 171-183. (SCI)  (IF=2.668)
  41. 吳祥禎*、張哲豪、湯有光、楊錦釧、楊豐榮,「阿公店水庫更新工程施工期間之水文風險分析」,台灣水利,第52卷,第一期,第39-49頁,(2004)。
  42. 張哲豪、吳祥禎*,「應用不確定分析於流量延時曲線可靠資料年限決定之研究」,台灣水利,第五十一卷,第二期,第62-72頁(2003)。

  1. 吳祥禎、沈志全、許至聰、張哲豪 (2021年8月) 整合淹水感測器即時資料之智慧化淹水面積推估模式發展,ICEO & SI 2021 國際研討會,中華民國,台灣,苗栗。

►►►吳祥禎(Shiang-Jen Wu)/副教授
