

楊哲銘(Che-Ming Yang) / 副教授 (研究著作)

最後更新日期 : 2025-03-31
楊哲銘(Che-Ming Yang/副教授(研究著作)


  1. 國立中央大學 應用地質研究所 博士(2011/092017/07
  2. 國立中央大學 應用地質研究所 碩士(2007/092009/07
  3. 中國文化大學 地質學系       學士(2002/092007/07


  1. 國立聯合大學 土木與防災工程學系 教授(2023/08/01迄今
  2. 國立聯合大學 土木與防災工程學系 助理教授(2020/082023/07/31
  3. 國立交通大學 土木工程學系/防災與水環境研究中心(2017/072020/07
  4. 國立中央大學 應用地質研究所 研究助理(2010/092011/09


  1. 獲中國地質學會阮維周教授紀念基金學位論文獎(2019
  2. 獲中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會榮譽會員證書(2017
  3. 獲國立中央大學106學年度地球科學院院長獎(2017
  4. 科技部補助博士生出國短期研究-京都大學防災研究所千木良雅弘研究室(2016/022017/02
  5. 獲第十三屆岩盤工程研討會優良論文獎(2016
  6. 獲第十二屆岩盤工程研討會優良論文獎(口頭報告)(2014
  7. 獲國立中央大學102學年度第一學期優秀學生獎學金(2013
  8. 獲第十五屆大地工程學術研究討論會的優良論文奬(口頭報告)(2013
  9. 地球物理與地質年會暨研討會壁報比賽佳作獎(2009


  1. 民國101年專門技術人員高等考試及格(應用地質技師)
  2. 無人多旋翼機-高級術科(G1) 專業操作證 (2020年領證、2022年屆期換證)
  3. GIS軟體操作與製圖
  4. 低至高速旋剪儀、土壤力學與岩石力學相關試驗
  5. 掃描式電子顯微鏡




  1. 楊哲銘2017,速度相依摩擦律應用於遽變式平面破壞與增積岩楔,國立中央大學博士論文
  2. 楊哲銘2009,非線性破壞準則之臨界楔模型,國立中央大學碩士論文


  1. Chang, Jui-Ming; Chao, Wei-An; Yang, Che-Ming*; Huang, Ming-Wan, (2024). Coseismic and subsequent landslides of the 2024 Hualien earthquake (M7.2) on April 3 in Taiwan. LANDSLIDES, 21(10), 2591-2595.
  2. Chang, Jui-Ming; Kuo, Yu-Ting; Chao, Wei-An*; Lin, Che-Min; Lan, Hao-Wei; Yang, Che-Ming; Chen, Hongey, (2024). Landslide Warning Area Delineation through Seismic Signals and Landslide Characteristics: Insights from the Silabaku Landslide in Southern Taiwan. SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 95(5), 2986-2996.
  3. Che-Ming Yang, Jia-Jyun Dong*, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Hui-Yun Cheng, Chang-Hsuan Hsu, Thi-Phuong Nguyen, Chun-Jung Lai, Wen-Jie Wu, (2024). Revisit the classical Newmark displacement analysis for earthquake-induced wedge sliding of a rock slope. Engineering Geology, 328, 107374.
  4. Baron, Ivo*; Jelenek, Jan; Klimes, Jan; Dong, Jia-Jyun; Melichar, Rostislav; Sutjak, Martin; Chen, Yichin; Yang, Che-Ming; Zhang, En-Lun; Mendez, Joanna; Tseng, Chia -Han; Hartvich, Filip; Blahut, Jan; Nguyen, Thanh -Tung; Kocianova, Lenka; Barta, Frantisek; Dusek, Vaclav; Kycl, Petr, (2024). Source area morphometry and high depletion rate of landslides may indicate their coseismic origin, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, 330, 107424    .
  5. Yang, Che-Ming; Lee, Chung-Hsun; Liu, Chun-Yuan; Huang, Wei-Kai; Weng, Meng-Chia*; Fu, Yu-Yao: 2022.11. Assessing the impact of rockfall on the retaining structures of a mountain road: a case study in Taiwan. LANDSLIDES: 19(11) 2737-2746 (SCI)
  6. Che-Ming Yang; Jui-Ming Chang; Chi-Yao Hung; Chih-Heng Lu; Wei-An Chao*; Keng-Hao Kang: 2022.03. Life span of a landslide dam on mountain valley caught on seismic signals and its possible early warnings. LANDSLIDES: 19(3) 637-646 (SCI)
  7. Yang, Che-Ming*; Chao, Wei-An; Weng, Meng-Chia; Fu, Yu-Yao; Chang, Jui-Ming; Huang, Wei-Kai “: 2022.07. Outburst debris flow of Yusui Stream caused by a large-scale Silabaku landslide, Southern Taiwan. LANDSLIDES: 19(7) 1807-1811 (SCI)
  8. Weng, Meng-Chia; Lin, Cheng-Han; Shiu, Wen-Jie; Chao, Wei-An*; Chiu, Chia-Chi; Lee, Ching-Fang; Huang, Wei-Kai; Yang, Che-Ming: 2022.03 Towards a rapid assessment of highway slope disasters by using multidisciplinary techniques. LANDSLIDES: 19(3) 687-701 (SCI)
  9. Wen-Jie Shiu, Ching-Fang Lee, Chia-Chi Chiu*, Meng-Chia Weng, Che-Ming Yang, Wei-An Chao, Chun-Yuan Liu, Cheng-Han Lin, Wei-Kai Huang, GeoPORT Working Group: 2022. Analyzing landslide-induced debris flow and flow-bridge interaction by using a hybrid model of depth-averaged model and discrete element method. LANDSLIDES: 20 331-349 (SCI)
  10. Tee-Ann Teo, Yu-Ju Fu, Kuo-Wei Li, Meng-Chia Weng, Che-Ming Yang: 2022.12. Comparison between image- and surface-derived displacement fields for landslide monitoring using an unmanned aerial vehicle. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation: 116 103164 (SCI)
  11. Wen-Jie Shiu, Ching-Fang Lee, Chia-Chi Chiu*, Meng-Chia Weng, Che-Ming Yang, Wei-An Chao, Chun-Yuan Liu, Cheng-Han Lin, Wei-Kai Huang, GeoPORT Working Group, 2022. Analyzing landslide-induced debris flow and flow-bridge interaction by using a hybrid model of depth-averaged model and discrete element method. Landslides. Published: 15 September 2022
  12. Che-Ming Yang, Chung-Hsun Lee, Chun-Yuan Liu, Wei-Kai Huang, Meng-Chia Weng*, Yu-Yao Fu, 2022. Assessing the impact of rockfall on the retaining structures of a mountain road: A case study in Taiwan. Landslides. Published: 06 August 2022
  13. Che-Ming Yang*, Wei-An Chao, Meng-Chia Weng, Yu-Yao Fu, Jui-Ming Chang, Wei-Kai Huang, GeoPORT Working Group, 2022. Outburst debris flow of Yusui Stream caused by a large-scale Silabaku landslide, Southern Taiwan. Landslides. Published: 22 April 2022
  14. Che-Ming Yang, Jui-Ming Chang, Chi-Yao Hung, Chih-Heng Lu, Wei-An Chao*, Keng-Hao Kang, 2022. Life Span of a Landslide Dam on Mountain Valley Caught on Seismic Signals and its Possible Early Warnings. Landslides 19, 637-646. Published: 19 January 2022
  15. Meng-Chia Weng, Cheng-Han Lin, Wen-Jie Shiu, Wei-An Chao*, Chia-Chi Chiu, Ching-Fang Lee, Wei-Kai Huang, Che-Ming Yang, 2022. Toward a rapid assessment of highway slope disasters by using multidisciplinary techniques. Landslides 19, 687-701. Published: 10 January 2022 [Citations: 2]
  16. Keng-Hao Kang, Wei-An Chao*, Che-Ming Yang, Ming-Chien Chung, Yu-Ting Kuo, Chih-Hsiang Yeh, Hsin-Chang Liu, Chun-Hung Lin, Chih-Pin Lin, Jyh-Jong Liao, Jui-Ming Chang, Yin-Jeh Ngui, Chien-Hsin Chen, Tung-Lin Tai, 2021. Strengthening the Rigidity of Landslide Materials Measured by Seismic Interferometry. Remote Sensing 13(14), 2834.
  17. Jui-Ming Chang*, Wei-An Chao, Hongey Chen, Yu-Ting Kuo, and Che-Ming Yang, 2021. Locating rock slope failures along highways and understanding their physical processes using seismic signals. Earth Surface Dynamics 9, 505–517. [Citations: 8]
  18. Che-Ming Yang*, Keng-Hao Kang, Shun-Hsing Yang, Kuo-Wei Li, Hui-Jung Wang, Yin-Tsan Lee, Kuei-Kun Lin, Yii-Wen Pan, Jyh-Jong Liao, 2020. Large paleo-rockslide induced by buckling failure at Jiasian in Southern Taiwan. Landslides 17, 1319-1335. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-020-01360-3. [Citations: 4]
  19. Che-Ming Yang, Jia-Jyun Dong*, Yuan-Lung Hsieh, Hsueh-Hua Liu, Cheng-Lung, Liu, 2016. Non-linear critical taper model and determination of accretionary wedge strength. Tectonophysics 692, 213-226. [Citations: 5]
  20. Li-Wei Kuo*, Yen-Fang Song**, Che-Ming Yang, Sheng-Rong Song, Chun-Chieh Wang, Jia-Jyun Dong, John Suppe, Toshihiko Shimamoto, 2015. Ultrafine spherical quartz formation during seismic fault slip: Natural and experimental evidence and its implications. Tectonophysics 664, 98-108. [Citations: 9]
  21. Chih-Yu Kuo*, Kuo-Jen Chang, Pi-Wen Tsai, Shao-Kuan Wei, Rou-Fei Chen, Jia-Jyun Dong, Che-Ming Yang, Yu-Chang Chan, Yih-Chin Tai, 2015. Identification of co-seismic ground motion due to fracturing and impact of Tsaoling landslide, Taiwan. Engineering Geology 196, 268-279. [Citations: 9]
  1. Che-Ming Yang, Wei-Lun Yu, Jia-Jyun Dong, Chih-Yu Kuo, Toshihiko Shimamoto, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Tetsuhiro Togo and Yuki Miyamoto, 2014. Initiation, movement, and run-out of gigantic Tsaoling landslide – What can we learn from a simple rigid block model and a velocity-displacement dependent friction law? Engineering Geology 182, 158-181. [Citations: 54]
  1. Tetsuhiro Togo*, Toshihiko Shimamoto, Jia-Jyun Dong, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Che-Ming Yang, 2014. Triggering and runaway processes of catastrophic Tsaoling landslide induced by the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake, as revealed by high-velocity friction experiments. Geophysical Research Letters 41, 1907- 1915. [Citations: 27]
  1. 楊哲銘、柳鈞元、黃韋凱、GeoPORT團隊::2022.03。 空間圖資整合應用於坡地災害的第一時間評估 -以猴硐崩塌出發。 台北市土木技師公會技師期刊: (96) 20-25 (其他專業學術期刊、學報)
  2. 邱家吉、翁孟嘉、柳鈞元、趙韋安、林銘郎、林承翰、楊哲銘、黃韋凱、李璟芳、徐文杰: 2022.03。 道路邊坡災害資訊整合、模擬暨研判系統-GeoPORT。 台北市土木技師公會技師期刊: (96) 34-43 (其他專業學術期刊、學報)
  3. 陳欣妤、黃清哲、陳樹群、趙韋安、楊哲銘: 2022.03 應用新型地聲檢知器Raspberry Shake 3D於坡地災害監測之研究。 中華水土保持學報: 53(3) 139-145 (其他專業學術期刊、學報)
  4. 趙韋安、楊哲銘、楊棟、戴東霖,2020,高山坡地之地動響應分析與應用,地工技術,第165期,63-68
  5. 朱晃葵、吳章諾、黃韋凱、楊哲銘、吳文傑,2019,工程地質研討會,變動的大地-浴火重生南台灣工程巡禮 與會報導,地工技術,第159期,101-104
  6. 鄭又珍、康耿豪、黃明萬、楊哲銘2018,玉山地質之美,玉山國家公園管理處。
  7. 李羿葦、楊哲銘、董家鈞,2016,不同排水條件/滑移速度條件下高嶺土之摩擦特性探討,中華水土保持學報,47(4)191-199
  8. 董家鈞、楊哲銘、張中白、林銘郎,2013,特別報導專欄,枋山二號隧道東口自強號脫軌意外,地工技術,第137期,112-116
  9. 黃筱婷、楊哲銘、曹孟真、董家鈞、劉家男、王泰典、李維峰、謝有忠,2011,地質構造與大型崩塌之關係-以阿里山公路為例,中華水土保持學報,42(4) 279-290[Citations: 1]


  1. Che-Ming Yang, Chia-Lung Hsieh, 2023. Evaluation of failure types and evolution of a deep-seated landslide, Taichung City, Taiwan. NSGE.
  2. 陳婷、葉憶萱、鄭又珍、楊哲銘*、施仁華、陳新發:阿里山二萬坪崩塌之地形演育與破壞機制探討。岩盤工程暨工程地質研討會,台灣桃園市:2022.05。
  3. Tz-Shin Lai, Wei-An Chao, CheMing Yang, Yih-Min Wu, 2022. Rapid Coseismic Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using Newmark Analysis and Decision Tree Algorithm, and Its Web-based Display System. Taiwan Geosciences Assembly 2022. Nangang, Taiwan.
  4. 謝佳龍、楊哲銘:大規模崩塌之地形演育調查與災害評估-以草湖溪黃竹里崩塌為例。臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會,台北南港,2022.06
  5. 楊哲銘、翁孟嘉、趙韋安,2021,舞鶴山深層崩塌之破壞機制與即時監測,地球觀測及社會衝擊國際研討會(ICEO&SI 2021),苗栗。
  6. 楊哲銘、翁孟嘉、林志平、張智安、羅佳明,2020,高活動性大規模崩塌監測、評估與警戒對策-以花蓮縣-瑞穗鄉-D024為例,大規模崩塌防減災成果發表會,行政院農業委員會水土保持局,台北。
  7. 楊哲銘、翁孟嘉、魏殷哲、李國維、傅鈺堯、林志平、張智安、羅佳明,2020,深層片岩坡體滑動之活動性調查、監測、破壞機制與地質模型探討。中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會109年年會暨學術研討會,台北。
  8. Che-Ming Yang, Wei-An Chao, Jyh-Jong Liao, Yii-Wen Pan, 2020. Failure and dynamic process of Luhu landslide inferred from the geologic investigation, numerical modeling and seismic signals. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.
  9. Wei-An Chao, Chun-Hung Lin, Che-Ming Yang, Keng-Hao Kang, Yu-Ting Kuo, Jason Nugi, Ming-Chien Chung, Chih-Pin Lin, Tung-Lin Tai, 2020. Seismologically understanding the basal sliding depth and groundwater level for deep-seated landslide. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.
  10. Che-Ming Yang, Keng-Hao Kang, Kuo-Wei Li, Hui-Jung Wang, Ching-Ping Hsiao, Yii-Wen Pan, Jyh-Jong Liao, 2019. Evolution of multi-temporal landslides at Luhu, Miaoli County, Taiwan. International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) 12th Asian Regional Conference, Jeju Island, Korea.
  11. Kuo-Wei Li, Chien-Yu Lin, Jyh-Jong Liao, Yi-Wen Pan, Keng-Hao Kang, Che-Ming Yang, 2019. The Inventory and Statistics of Potential Large-scale Landslide Areas in Southern Taiwan. International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) 12th Asian Regional Conference, Jeju Island, Korea.
  12. 楊哲銘、康耿豪、李國維、王慧蓉、李膺讚、林貴崑、潘以文、廖志中,2019,潛在大規模崩塌區地質模型與古崩積層調查初探-以甲仙區D044D047為例。中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會108年年會暨學術研討會,工程地質論壇,台北。
  13. Che-Ming Yang, Keng-Hao Kang, Kuo-Wei Li, Hui-Jung Wang, Yin-Tsan Lee, Kuei-Kun Lin, Yii-Wen Pan, Jyh-Jong Liao, 2019. Geologic model and geomorphic features of a large paleo rockslide at Jiasian in Southern Taiwan. EGU General Assembly 2019 abstract EGU2019-8027. Vienna, Austria.
  14. Che-Ming Yang, Wei-An Chao, Yi-Han Wu, Jia-Jyun Dong, 2019. Effect of seismic record in Newmark analysis for earthquake-induced large-scale landslide. International Conference in Commemoration of 20th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake Taipei, Taiwan, September 15-19.
  15. 楊哲銘、李國維、康耿豪、史天元、潘以文、廖志中,2018,大規模崩塌潛勢區之地質與地形特徵與可能災害–以高雄市六龜區D015為例。中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會107 年年會暨學術研討會,嘉義。
  16. 陳羽甄、朱晃葵、楊哲銘、董家鈞,2018,台灣紅菜坪地滑區崩積層材料摩擦特性與受震運動特性分析。第十四屆岩盤工程研討會論文集,96-7日,台南。
  17. Che-Ming Yang, Chia-Che, Tsao, Hui-Yun, Cheng, Thi-Phuong, Nguyen, Chang-Hsuan, Hsu, Wen-Jie, Wu, Jia-Jyun, Dong, Gong-Hui, Wang, Xian-Jun, Pei, Run-Qiu, Huang, 2017. Revisit the classical Newmark displacement analysis for earthquake-induced wedge slide - The kinematics and initiation of the Daguangbao landslide. 4th Slope Tectonics Conference, Kyoto, Japan.
  18. Jia-Jyun Dong, Chia-Che Tsao, Che-Ming Yang, Wen-Jie Wu, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Ming-Liang Lin, Wei-Feng Zhang, Xian-Jun Pei, Gong-Hui Wang, Run-Qiu Huang. 2017. The geometric characteristics and initiation mechanisms of the earthquake-triggered Daguangbao landslide. Geotechnical hazards from large earthquakes and heavy rainfalls, 203-213. [Citations: 12]
  19. Yi-Wei Lee, Che-Ming Yang, Yu-Feng Wang, Jia-Jyun Dong, 2017. Relationship of frictional characteristics and pore pressure of kaolin clay under in different slip rates and drainage conditions. AOGS 14th Annual Meeting, Singapore.
  20. 李羿葦、楊哲銘、董家鈞,2017,不同排水條件/滑移速度條件下高嶺土之摩擦特性探討。第十七屆大地工程學術研究討論會,宜蘭。
  21. Che-Ming Yang, Chang-Hsuan Hsu, Jia-Jyun Dong, 2017. Critical displacement of earthquake-triggered catastrophic landslides. 4th World Landslide Forum, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Vol. 4 - Session 1 - Earthquake-Induced Landslides.
  22. Chang-Hsuan Hsu, Che-Ming Yang, Yu-Feng Wang, Jia-Jyun Dong, 2016. New insights to the critical displacement determination using Newmark displacement method for earthquake-induced rock slides. AOGS 13th Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, SE29-A004.
  23. Che-Ming Yang, Hui-Yun Cheng, Wen-Jie Wu, Chang-Hsuan Hsu, Jia-Jyun Dong, Chyi-Tyi Lee, 2016. Revisit the classical Newmark displacement method for earthquake-induced wedge slide. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting.
  1. Che-Ming Yang, Hui-Yun Cheng, Wen-Jie Wu, Chang-Hsuan Hsu, Jia-Jyun Dong, Chyi-Tyi Lee, 2016. Revisit the classical Newmark displacement method for earthquake-induced wedge slide. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 18, 7509.
  2. 楊哲銘、鄭慧筠、吳文傑、許暢軒、董家鈞、李錫堤,2016,地震誘發邊坡楔型滑動之Newmark位移分析法。2016 海峽兩岸岩土工程地工技術交流研討會,321-22日,成都。
  3. Chang-No Wu, Jia-Jyun Dong, Che-Ming Yang, Wen-Jie Wu, 2015. Investigation into influence factors of wave velocity anisotropy for TCDP borehole. AGU Fall Meeting abstract.
  4. Chang-No Wu, Che-Ming Yang, Wen-Jie Wu, Jia-Jyun Dong, 2015. Dominating factors of the wave velocity anisotropy for TCDP borehole. 10th Asian Reginal Conference of IAEG.
  1. Che-Ming Yang, You-Ren Chen, Jia-Jyun Dong, Huai-Hou Hsu, Win-Bin Cheng, 2015. The normal stress on the slip surface – a dominating factor on the excessive travel distance of the sliding rock mass. Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 2, 1695-1699. [Citations: 1]
  1. Hui-Yun Cheng, Che-Ming Yang, Chai-Che Tsao, Wen-Jie Wu, Jia-Jyun Dong, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Ming-Lang Lin, Wei-Feng Chang, Xiang-Jun Pei, Run-Qiu Huang, Gong-Hui Wang, 2015. Triggering of planner and wedge-shaped mass movement during earthquake – based on Newmark displacement method and velocity-displacement dependent friction law. The 4th International Symposium on Mega Earthquake Induced Geo-disasters and Long Term Effects.
  2. Hui-Yun Cheng, Che-Ming Yang, Chai-Che Tsao, Wen-Jie Wu, Jia-Jyun Dong, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Ming-Lang Lin, Wei-Feng Chang, Xiang-Jun Pei, Gong-Hui Wang, Run-Qiu Huang, 2015. 平面型破壞與楔型破壞之比較-以草嶺與大光包山崩為例。中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會104年年會暨學術研討會,台北。
  3. Chun-Jung Lai, Che-Ming Yang, Jia-Jyun Dong, 2015. Velocity-displacement-frequency dependent friction law of pure kaolinite based on constant and oscillatory rotary shear tests. 中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會104年年會暨學術研討會。
  4. 黃家豪、許懷後、董家鈞、楊哲銘、蘇育柔,2015,小琉球海域之海底山崩案例之逆推分析。第十六屆大地工程學術研究討論會,高雄。
  1. 賴俊融、楊哲銘、董家鈞,2015,單速與不同頻率變速旋剪試驗條件下高嶺土之速度與位移相依摩擦律,第十六屆大地工程學術研究討論會。
  2. Che-Ming Yang, Hui-Yun Cheng, Chia-Che Tsao, Wen-Jie Wu, Jia-Jyun Dong, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Ming-Lang Lin, 2015. The kinematics and initiation mechanisms of the earthquake-triggered Daguangbao landslide. EGU General Assembly. [Citations: 15]
  1. Chun-Jung Lai, Jia-Jyun Dong, Tetsuhiro Togo, Che-Ming Yang, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Toshihiko Shimamoto, 2014. Friction laws based on monotonic and cyclic rotary shear tests. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, 4497.
  2. Che-Ming Yang, Jia-Jyun Dong, 2014. A critical taper model with nonlinear failure criterion of the accretionary wedge. Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia-International Conference and 7th Taiwan-France Symposium in Earth Science, Hualien, Taiwan.
  1. Chia-Che Tsao, Che-Ming Yang, Wen-Jie Wu, Jia-Jyun Dong, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Ming-Lang Lin, Wei-Feng Zhang, Xiang-Jun Pei, Gong-Hui Wang, Run-Qiu Huang, 2014. The geometric characteristics and initiation mechanisms of the earthquake-triggered Daguangbao landslide. Taiwan Rock Engineering Symposium. Taichung, Taiwan.
  2. Huai-Houh Hsu, Jia-Jyun Dong, Che-Ming Yang, Win-Bin Cheng, Shu-Kun Hsu, Jia-Hao Huang, Yu-Jo Su, 2014. A Case Study on the Determination of the Strength of Seabed Sediments from SW Taiwan. Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 4, 37-40.
  3. Chia-Che Tsao, Che-Ming Yang, Wen-Jie Wu, Jia-Jyun Dong, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Ming-Lang Lin, Wei-Feng Zhang, Xiang-Jun Pei, Gong-Hui Wang, Run-Qiu Huang, 2014. The geometric characteristics and initiation mechanisms of the earthquake-triggered Daguangbao landslide. The Sixth Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfall. Fukuoka, Japan.
  1. Jia-Jyun Dong, Tetsuhiro, Togo, Chun-Rung Lai, Che-Ming Yang, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Toshihiko Shimamoto, 2014. Friction law of gouges from monotonic and cyclic shear tests - implications for rockslide. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting.
  2. Chia-Che Tsao, Che-Ming Yang, Wen-Jie Wu, Jia-Jyun Dong, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Ming-Lang Lin, Wei-Feng Zhang, Xiang-Jun Pei, Run-Qiu Huang, 2014. The geometric characteristics and initiation mechanisms of the earthquake-triggered Daguangbao landslide. 中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會103年年會暨學術研討會。
  3. 許懷後、董家鈞、楊哲銘、許樹坤、鄭文彬,2014,台灣西南海底沉積物工程特性與邊坡分析,中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會103年地質與地物年會暨學術研討會 Session: ER5 (Gas Hydrate)
  4. Che-Ming Yang, Hsueh-Hua Liu, Yuan-Lung Hsieh, Jia-Jyun Dong, 2013. Inferring the spatial variation of the wedge strength based on a modified critical taper model. American Geophysical Union – Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco.
  1. 曹孟真楊哲銘王泰典董家鈞謝有忠,2013,應用空載光達技術探討阿里山公路沿線地質構造與大型山崩的關係,海峽兩岸地工技術/岩土工程交流研討會。
  2. Che-Ming Yang, Jia-Jyun Dong, 2013. The initiation and positive regulation of the catastrophic Siaolin landslide. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, Chiba, Japan.
  3. Jia-Jyun Dong, Che-Ming Yang, Wei-Lun Yu, Chyi-Tyi Lee, Yuki Miyamoto, Toshihiko Shimamoto, 2013, Velocity-Displacement Dependent Friction Coefficient and the Kinematics of Giant Landslide, K. Ugai et al. (eds.), Earthquake-Induced Landslides, 397-403. [Citations: 23]
  4. Huai-Houh Hsu, Jia-Jyun Dong, Che-Ming Yang, Shu-Kun Hsu, 2013, Back Analysis of the Strength Parameters of the Offshore Sediment from an Earthquake‐triggered Submarine Landslide, 6th International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Abstract ID: 78.
  5. 劉學樺、楊哲銘、董家鈞,2013,由斷層泥旋剪試驗推估基底滑脫面於不同正向應力與轉速條件下之摩擦特性,第十五屆大地工程學術研究討論會論文集(Geotech2013),雲林。
  6. 謝元龍、楊哲銘、吳文傑、董家鈞,2013,以加積楔幾何形貌探討底滑面孔隙水壓側向變化之研究,2013 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly (TGA).
  7. 董家鈞、楊哲銘20122009台灣小林村山崩滑動楔型體觸發水壓分析,2012海峽兩岸地質災害防治學術研討會。
  8. 陳宥任、楊哲銘、董家鈞,2012,快速滑動塊體滑動面正向應力與超額移動距離,Taiwan Rock Engineering Symposium, Miaoli, Taiwan.
  9. 楊哲銘、董家鈞,2012,遽變式山崩之滑動面摩擦特性研究-以小林村為例,中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會101年年會暨學術研討會。
  10. 黃筱婷、楊哲銘、曹孟真、董家鈞、劉家男、王泰典、李維峰,2011,地質構造對公路邊坡破壞之關係-以阿里山公路為例,第十四屆大地工程學術研討會。
  11. 楊哲銘、董家鈞,2009,非線性破壞準則之加積楔模型,中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球物理學會年會暨學術研討會。
  12. Che-Ming Yang, Jia-Jyun Dong, 2009, Critical taper model with a nonlinear failure criterion, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, EGU2009-2270.


  1. Engineering Geology
  2. Landslides
  3. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
  4. Journal of GeoEngineering
  5. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk
  6. Geoscience Letters
  7. 地工技術


    1. 行政院農業委員會林務局國有林大規模崩塌潛勢區減災策略研擬及安全監測第2(主持人:廖志中教授,106108)
    2. 內政部地政司,高程基準維運及測量參考系統服務工作案 (主持人:史天元教授,106107)
    3. 玉山國家公園管理處,玉山地體構造與地質演變-地質地層與區域構造調查(主持人:潘以文教授,106107)
    4. 科技部,即時環境振動監測: 量化地表侵蝕過程與相關地質災害防災之應用(主持人:趙韋安助理教授108109)
    5. 行政院農業委員會林務局花蓮林區管理處,鳳林山興崩塌地調查評估委託研究案(主持人:潘以文教授,108109)
    6. 經濟部中央地質調查所,坡地場址調查觀測及變形機制分析(主持人:趙韋安助理教授,108110)
    7. 行政院農業委員會林務局花蓮林區管理處,玉區 21 林班崩塌地調查評估委託研究案(主持人:翁孟嘉教授,109110)
    8. 行政院農業委員會水土保持局-109年度創新研究計畫,近即時震波式同震山崩潛感圖 (主持人:趙韋安助理教授,109),本人為協同主持人
    9. 行政院農業委員會林務局,國有林大規模崩塌潛勢區減災策略研擬及安全監測第3(主持人:廖志中教授,109110)
    10. 苗栗縣政府消防局,災害防救深耕計畫(主持人:柳文成教授,109111),本人為協同主持人
    11. 國立聯合大學110年重點發展計畫,苗栗智慧防災系統建置(主持人:鄭玉旭副教授),本人為協同主持人
    12. 行政院農業委員會水土保持局-110年度創新研究計畫,近即時震波式同震山崩潛感圖2 (主持人:楊哲銘助理教授)
    13. 科技部,由順向坡地形特徵探討其地形演育與古今崩塌機制,(主持人:楊哲銘助理教授),至2023/7/31
    14. 行政院農業委員會林務局國有林大規模崩塌潛勢區減災策略研擬及安全監測第4(主持人:廖志中教授),本人為研究人員
    15. 行政院農業委員會林務局花蓮林區管理處,111~113年瑞穗鄉D024監測調查委託案(主持人:翁孟嘉教授)本人為共同主持人
    16. 國立聯合大學111年重點發展計畫,苗栗智慧防災系統建置(主持人:鄭玉旭副教授),本人為協同主持人
    17. 科技部,道路邊坡災害資訊蒐集、整合、模擬暨研判系統發展-道路邊坡災害資訊蒐集、整合、模擬暨研判系統發展(3/3)(主持人:邱家吉助理教授)本人為共同主持人
    18. 經濟部中央地質調查局,山崩巨量資料應用及智慧動態山崩模式發展(1/5) (主持人:魏倫瑋博士)本人為共同主持人

►►►楊哲銘(Che-Ming Yang)/助理教授
