第26屆營建工程與學術研討會(SCEM 2022)
第 26 屆營建工程與管理學術研討會(2022 SCEM)
The 26th Symposium on Construction Engineering and Management
第 26 屆營建工程與管理學術研討會由國立中央大學 (NCU)於2022年 07 月 22 日(五)採線上方式舉行。國立中央大學土木工程學系營建管理碩博士班主辦團隊誠摯地邀請您參與本研討會,共同分享工程管理學術研究成果及營建產業實務應用議題,以強化學術交流、創造產學合作契機,提升台灣營建工程的學術研究水準!本研討會將著重在以下幾個研究領域進行學術交流:
The Construction Engineering and Management Division of the Civil Engineering Department of National Central University will host the 26th Symposium on Construction Engineering and Management online on July 22 (Friday) 2022. You are invited to attend and discuss your research, insights, and concerns among academicians and industrial practitioners. The ultimate aim is to raise Taiwan's international awareness through promoting chances for industry-academia collaboration, technical and technological advancement, and research quality in the construction field. The Symposium will emphasize several topics including:
- 規劃、設計與專案管理 (plan, design, and project management)
- 永續營建 (sustainable buildings and construction)
- 營建資訊科技應用 (information technology in construction)
- BIM建築資訊模型 (building information modeling)
- 大數據、感測技術與機器學習 (big data, sensing, machine learning)
- 韌性工程與風險管理 (resilience engineering and risk management)
- 智慧基礎建設與建築 (smart infrastructure and buildings)
- 工程進度、成本與品質管理 (construction schedule, cost and quality management)
- 工程法律與爭議處理 (construction laws and dispute resolution)
- 工程採購與民間參與 (construction procurement and public private partnerships)
- 設施與物業管理 (facility and property management)
- 其他營建工程與管理相關課題 (Others)
For further information about the symposium, please visit our website or contact us. We all look forward to meeting you online in July.
研討會官網/Symposium website:https://sites.google.com/view/scem-2022
SCEM 2022 contact information
王翰翔 副教授(Dr. Han-Hsiang Wang, Associate Professor)
e-mail : hhwang@ncu.edu.tw / phone : (03) 422-7151 # 34039
總召:潘昕鈐 (General Coordinator)
e-mail : NCU.SCEM2022@gmail.com / phone : (03) 422-7151 # 34038
論文組 (Techincal Supports)
e-mail : NCU.SCEM2022.PAPER@gmail.com