

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

最後更新日期 : 2021-02-28

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

Laboratory Supervisor: Wen-Cheng Liu, Distinguished Professor
Laboratory Number: A1-219
Laboratory Floor Level: 2F

Educational features:
  1. Assisting students to understand the physical phenomena described in the fluid mechanics theory course through a fluid mechanics experimental course.
  2. Instructing students on how to actually apply fluid mechanics formulas and reference methods in the textbook to analyze problems to understand the scope of applications and limitations for each method.
  3. Enabling students to understand the difference between practice and theory and learn how to determine the location of a problem, as well as how to solve problems encountered in the experimental process.

  1. Stability of floating bodies
  2. Center of pressure
  3. Determining the Reynolds number
  4. Venturi effect
  5. Jet impacts
  6. Weir flow
  7. Eddies
  8. Multifunctional sinks
  9. Outer regions of boundary layers
  10. Straight pipe friction
  11. Pipeline head loss system
  12. Flow field observations
  13. Mobile-bed sediment transport

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